COST Action TD1004

COST Action TD1004
"Theragnostics Imaging and Therapy:
An Action to Develop
Novel Nanosized Systems for Imaging-Guided Drug Delivery "
February 17-18, 2012
Molecular Biotechnology Center, University of Torino
- FRIDAY, 17th February 2012
- 12:00 - 12:45 : Kent Hung (BE) - COST Officer
- 12:45 - 13:45 : Lunch break
- 13:45 - 16:00 : WG1 "Imaging reporters for
theranostic agents"
moderator: Renata Mikolajczak (PL)- Frank Rösch (DE): In vitro and in vivo evaluation of 18F-labelled HPMA polymeric architectures as potential carrier systems of drugs.
- Mauro Botta (IT): Relaxivity Enhancement in Nanosized GdIII-based systems
- Aleksander Bilewicz (PL): Nanozeolites as a carrier for radium radionuclides
- Eva Jakab-Toth (FR): Responsive and multimodal imaging agents
- Carlos F. Geraldes (PT): Characterization of nanoparticle based bimodal imaging agents
- Aline Nonat (FR): Bifunctional ligands, complexes and quantum dots: new tools for imaging and diagnostic
- Kristina Djanashvili (NL): Lanthanide-containing nanoparticles for multimodal imaging and therapy
- 16:00 - 16:30 : Coffee break
- 16:30 - 19:30 : WG2 "Nanocarrires for theranostic
moderator: Ruth Schmid (NO)- Maria Blanco Prieto (ES): Nanotherapy and biomaterials
- Ulrich Schatzschneider (DE): Bioorthogonal "click" reactions in the functionalization of nanomaterials for theranostic applications
- Nuno Azevedo (PT): Application of DNA mimics in theranostics
- Paul Debbage (AU): Design, development and validation of HAS-based nanocarriers for theragnostic applications in MRI and OI
- Gerard Tobias (ES): Carbon nanocapsules for theranostic applications
- Fabrice Navarro y Garcia (FR): Lipidots® delivery platform
- Stefaan De Smedt (BE): An update of recent work @ Ghent University on microbubbles and nanogels
- Adjournment
- 20:30 : Social dinner (offered by Bracco Imaging SpA)
- SATURDAY, 18th February 2012
- 8.30 - 10.15: WG3 "Preparation and selection of
targeting vectors"
moderator: Robert Muller (BE)- Fabian Kiessling (DE): Multimodal microbubbles for molecular imaging and theranostics
- Melpomeni Fani (DE): GPCRs as Targets in Cancer Imaging and Therapy using Nuclear Probes
- Helmut Maecke (DE): Oligoprolines as Scaffolds for Multivalent and Multispecific Vectors for Tumor Targeting
- Penelope Bouziotis (GR): Antibody pretargeting: current activities and future possibilities within the COST TD1004 Action
- Karin Andrieux (FR): Design of nanoparticles for theragnostic of Alzheimer's disease
- 10:15 - 10:45 : Coffee break
- 10:45 - 13:00 : WG4 "Theranostic agents responsive
to endogenous and external stimuli"
moderator: Gerben Koning (NL)- Eric Allémann (CH): Ultrasound bubbles for diagnostics and therapy
- Ruth Schmid (NO): Ultrasound bubbles stabilized with multifunctional nanoparticles for combined diagnostics and therapy
- Gerben Koning (NL): Strategies to improve liposomal drug delivery to solid tumors
- Lars Lindner (DE): A novel intravascular drug delivery platform based on phosphatidyl-(oligo)-glycerols
- Simonetta Geninatti-Crich (IT): MR Imaging guided NCT by a dual Gd/B agent targeted to tumor cells via upregulated LDL transporters
- Enzo Terreno (IT): Imaging drug release from nanomedicines: a brief overview
- Elias Fattal (FR): Nanotechnologies for multimodalities imaging and triggered drug release
- 10:15 - 10:45 : Lunch break
- 10:45 - 13:00 : WG5 "Set-up of preclinical
theranostic protocols" moderator: George Loudos
- Kim Bergström (FL): SPECT/CT in translational research
- Twan Lammers (DE): Image-guided nanomedicines for personalized therapeutic interventions
- Nicolas Beziere (DE): Optoacoustic imaging - achievements and perspectives
- 15:00 - 15:45 : Round table: The industrial view
moderator: Silvio Aime (IT) - 15:45 - 16:15 : Coffee break and Conclusion of the Scientific Meeting
- 16:15 - 17:30 : MC Meeting
- 8.30 - 10.15: WG3 "Preparation and selection of
targeting vectors"