Post Doctoral Research Fellows

Antonella Carella
Research Fellow
Institute of Biostructure and Bioimaging
National Research Council of Italy
Longo Lab

Ph.D. in Biomedicine and Molecular Oncology, University of Oviedo, Spain
M.Sc. Medical Biotechnology and Molecular Medicine, University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Research Interests
The focus of my research is to study magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to measure tumor acidosis in glioblastoma, tracking spatial heterogeneity and spatial evolution. I am also interested in using molecular biology techniques to study RNA, DNA and proton pumps for monitoring tumor response to treatments and improving tumor diagnosis.
Contact Information
Address: Via Nizza, 52 - 10126 Torino
Phone: +390116709540
Full list of publications are available at PubMed