PhD and Graduate Students

Ivan Hawala

PhD student
Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Sciences
Terreno Lab


M.Sc. Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies, University of Torino, Italy

Research Interests

My research project aims to design and synthesize novel AAZTA derivatives suitable for the conjugation with peptides or other relevant molecular vectors, to be included in a 'cold kit', which allows the labelling with PET radionuclides, obtained from a cyclotron or eluted from a commercial generator.
Competences: HPLC, LC−MS, CE, TLC, KF, potentiometric titrations, SPPS (manual and automatic, CEM-Liberty peptide synthetizer), organic synthesis, purifications (manual: silica column chromatography, desalting on resins; automatic: preparative HPLC, COMBIFLASH, BIOTAGE, AKTA PURIFIER), Bruker 600 MHz (qNMR, high resolution spectra, 1H−NMR, 13C−NMR, 2D−NMR), radiolabellingmoduls with commercial generators.

Contact Information

Address: Via Nizza, 52 - 10126 Torino
Phone: +390116706476


Full list of publications are available at PubMed