Molecular Imaging is a cutting-edge medical technique that
enables the visualization and analysis of biological
processes at molecular and cellular levels within living
organisms. The main imaging technologies that are used to
this purpose, at clinical or preclinical level, are:
positron emission tomography (PET), single-photon emission
computed tomography (SPECT), optical Imaging (OI), computed
tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Each
of these techniques exhibits weaknesses and strengths for
these applications. For instance, PET is the most sensitive
among the imaging techniques but employs radiotracers and
has low spatial resolution. Optical imaging is highly
sensitive and minimally invasive, but it is limited in
tissue penetration capability. MRI provides highly detailed
anatomical information with good sensitivity, although much
lower compared to PET and optical imaging. For these
reasons, quite often, these techniques work in synergy
taking advantage of hybrid instruments. Molecular Imaging
approach holds immense promise in various fields, including
oncology, neurology, cardiology, and immunology, as it
provides insights into disease progression, early detection,
and treatment response assessment. The combination of
advanced imaging technologies with targeted molecular probes
empowers scientists to unravel the intricacies of complex
biological processes, leading to enhanced diagnostic
accuracy and to the development of personalized therapeutic
strategies. The research activity of Prof. Delli Castelli
and her team belong to this broader area of Molecular
Imaging. In particular, in the last years, they have
contributed to the advancement of research in the field of
contrast agents for Magnetic Resonance Imaging for molecular
targeting and metabolic imaging applications. Within the
array of magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents, this
group has specialized in advancing a relatively emerging
category referred to as Chemical Exchange Saturation
Transfer (CEST) contrast agents. The distinctiveness of
these contrast agents, as opposed to conventional
gadolinium-based ones, lies in their capability to
simultaneously visualize multiple entities within a single
image. This unique feature allows the visualization of
multiple epitopes simultaneously in molecular targeting
experiments or the visualization of more than one cellular
population in cell tracking applications. Such
implementation cannot be achieved in MRI using conventional
gadolinium-based agents since the response these molecules
induce in the system is undistinguishable from one molecule
to another, leading to a reduction in bulk water relaxation
time. In contrast, CEST agents provide the opportunity to
introduce a frequency-encoded contrast, capitalizing on the
distinct chemical shifts of the molecules under observation
like in magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS); however,
CEST-MRI enhance the detection sensitivity through the
indirect visualization of molecules at low concentration on
the much more intense bulk water signal, resulting in an
amplified response. Another distinct characteristic of this
category of contrast agents, as opposed to conventional
ones, is that CEST contrast can be easily modulated through
tissue microenvironment parameters. Consequently, these
molecules have proven to be excellent reporters of
temperature, pH, redox potential, and catalytic activity.
Despite these significant potentials, CEST contrast agents
suffer from low sensitivity, a characteristic that the
scientific community involved in their development has
constantly addressed. One of the primary contribution of
this research team regarding the sensitivity issue has
focused on the development of nanosystems. These
nanosystems, called LipoCEST have led to a remarkable
increase in sensitivity by several orders of magnitude. This
advancement has shifted the detection thresholds from
millimolar concentrations to nanomolar concentrations, which
are much more aligned with the purposes of molecular
imaging. Due to the exceptional versatility of LipoCEST,
these nanovesicles can be readily customized with molecular
targeting vectors. Furthermore, these systems have been
engineered to align themselves in a magnetic field
accordingly with the sign of the magnetic susceptibility of
their membrane thus altering the chemical shift (LIPO) of
the mobile protons connected to these systems. This
innovation facilitates the establishment of a library for
multifaceted visualization (Fig. 1).
applications in metabolic imaging, the contribution of this
research team has predominantly revolved around the
advancement of pH-responsive probes, particularly involving
paramagnetic molecules (ParaCEST agents). One of the most
intriguing ParaCEST agents that has been developed is the
YbHPDO3A complex. In solution, this probe exists as two
isomers in slow exchange on the NMR timescale. This unique
characteristic permits the visualization of two distinct
signals deriving from the –OH protons of the two distinct
isomers (SAP and TSAP). Fortunately, these two hydroxyl
protons exhibit different CEST responses with respect to pH
variations, allowing for a ratiometric approach to determine
pH independently from the total probe concentration (which
in vivo remains unknown). Figure 2 illustrates the pH map of
the tumor microenvironment within a melanoma mouse model,
obtained using the YbHPDO3A probe. The probe prove to be
sensitive in the physio-pathological pH range.
parallel with the research in the CEST field, this team has
recently exploited their expertise in nanosystems to
contribute to in vitro diagnostic test development. One
example is reported in Fig.3 where a schematic
representation of an alternative to the ELISA test (named
LICIA, LipHosome Congiugated Immunoassorbent Assay) based on
the use of liposomes able to change the pH in their
environment following their dissembling is reported. The
developed reporting systems for ligand/antiligand assays
based on pH variations have been called LipHosomes. These
tests have shown a strong competitive edge, particularly in
cost effectiveness, when compared to the ELISA counterparts.
Future research plans
At the moment, this research
team is focusing its attention on the development of
heteronuclear CEST agents. Utilizing heteronuclei could lead
to a reduction in sensitivity threshold; however, it might
come at the cost of compromising spatial resolution. This
represents a groundbreaking initiative that has not been
attempted before, paving the way for an entirely novel field
of research. The goal is to optimize the parameters of
heteronuclear CEST to expand the boundaries of diagnostic
potential in CEST-MRI. The primary focus of our efforts will
be directed towards the development of probes and pulse
sequences, all aimed at successfully attaining this
particular objective.

Delli Castelli, PhD
Molecular Imaging Center
Department of
Molecular Biotechnologies and Health Science
of Torino
Via Nizza 52
10126 Torino - Italy
+39 011 6706493
Fax: +39 011 6706458