My research interests are based principally on the study of the dynamic and structural properties of paramagnetic metal complexes with potential applications in MRI and Molecular Imaging. Particular attention is devoted to their interactions with biological macromolecular systems either in in vitro cellular and in vivo animal models. In recent years I’ve been engaged in the development of new MRI contrast agents endowed with high specificity towards particular target molecules for the detection of tumour cells as well as in the study of new probes which answer is responsive of a particular bio-parameter of interest. Presently, my main research activity concerns the study of phenomena associated with the problem of Gd retention in the body upon repeated administrations of Gd-based Contrast Agents.

Gianolio, PhD
Research Technician,
Molecular Imaging Center,
Department of Molecular
Biotechnologies and Health Science,
University of Torino,
Via Nizza 52,
Torino 10126, Italy
Tel: +39 011 6706475
Fax: +39 011 6706458
Upcoming Events
- 15th European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2020
- ISMRM 28th Annual Meeting 2020
- World Molecular Imaging Congress WMIC 2020
- New journal article on Gadolinium presence, MRI hyperintensities, and glucose uptake in the hypoperfused rat brain published in Neuroradiology
New book chapter: "Relaxometry and Contrast Agents" In: Paramagnetism in Experimental Biomolecular NMR.