The research of the group is mainly focused on the design, synthesis, and in vitro/in vivo characterization of contrast agents for diagnostic and theranostic applications at preclinical level. Besides the use of small-sized paramagnetic Gd(III) complexes, new nanosystems aimed at the MRI visualization of specific biomarker, or drug release have been prepared. Another research line deals with the development of procedures for cellular imaging.

Terreno, PhD
Full Professor,
Imaging Center,
Department of Molecular Biotechnologies
and Health Science,
University of Torino,
Via Nizza
Torino 10126, Italy
Tel: +39 011 6706452
+39 011 6706487
Design of targeting imaging probes

MRI visualisation of drug delivery/release

Development of cellular imaging procedures

Upcoming Events
- 15th European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2020
- ISMRM 28th Annual Meeting 2020
- World Molecular Imaging Congress WMIC 2020
- New journal article on MRI visualization of neuroinflammation published in Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine
New book chapter in CEST imaging: "Saturating Compartmentalized Water Protons: Liposome- and Cell-Based CEST Agents" In: Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Imaging: Advances and Applications.