Hyperpolarization by means of parahydrogen of biologically
relevant substrates is the main focus of the research group.
The parahydrogen based hyperpolarization requires the
development of tailored precursors of the target agent and
the optimization of a suitable hyperpolarization procedure,
in order to obtain hyperpolarized molecules that can be used
in vivo for diagnostic purposes. In the last years, a
procedure named PHIP-SAH (ParaHydrogen Induced Polarization
-Side Arm Hydrogenation) has been invented by our group,
which allows to generate hyperpolarized metabolites through a
steps sequence (i.e. parahydrogenation reaction, polarization
transfer, hydrolysis) each of which is investigated in order
to optimize the procedure. The research focuses also on the
development of new derivatives of biologically relevant
molecules, suitable for parahydrogen hyperpolarization.
Finally, the hyperpolarized products are used for in vitro
and in vivo studies of different pathologies.

Reineri, PhD
Assistance Professor
Molecular Imaging Center
Department of Molecular
Biotechnologies and Health Science
University of Torino
Via Nizza 52
10126 Torino - Italy
Tel: +39 011
Fax: +39 011 6706458
Hyperpolarized Probes

Imaging Metabolism

Upcoming Events
- New journal article published in Chemphyschem
- The hyperpolarization group is a partner of the MSCA-ITN (Marie Slodowska Curie Action, Innovative Training Network) ZULF (Zero and Ultra Low Field). The project involves 9 european partners, renowned groups in the field of NMR and magnetometry. The project aims to the formation of 11 Early Stage Researchers in the innovative fields of Ultra Low Field NMR and Hyperpolarization. For more info visit https://zulf.eu