Bruker Avance 14T

The Avance 14T NMR spectrometer is equipped with several dedicated micro-MRI probes for high resolution imaging of in-vitro samples and mice. Breath- and hearth-rate gating available.
Available MRI and MRS protocols: T1, T2, DWI, CSI, DCE-MRI, CEST-MRI, single voxel spectroscopy and spectroscopy imaging.
Also tunable for 19F and 13C.
Available at the Center for Molecular Imaging, University of Torino.

Bench-top Fast Field Cycling NMR Relaxometer for the measurement of the of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/T1) over a large range of magnetic field strengths in the range 0.01 to 10 MHz as proton Larmor frequency (NMRD profile).

Fast Field Cycling NMR Relaxometer for the measurement of the of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (1/T1) over a large range of magnetic field strengths (0.01 - 30 MHz as proton Larmor frequency). It is also equipped with a wide bore probe for the acquisition of in vivo 1H NMRD profile on mouse leg.
STELAR Variable Field Electromagnet

Time-Domain NMR or Low Resolution NMR (FID and relaxation times acquisition). In combination with either SPINMASTER or Smartracer, it allows extension of the magnetic field strength range for the acquisition of NMRD profiles (20 - 70 MHz as proton Larmor frequency).
STELAR Spectrometer

Proton Time-Domain NMR or Low Resolution NMR (FID and relaxation times acquisition, 0.5 T, 21 MHz).