Waters FractionLynx LC/MS System

The FractionLynx LC/MS System equipped withSingle Quad 3100 mass spectrometer and PDA Detector is an analytical/preparative HPLC/MS system for the rapid characterization and purification of compound libraries. Instrumentation offers scalable prep configurations for manages and automates sample purification process.
Significant advances in instrumentation is the possibility to purify asynthesis product using the mass spectrometer as thedetector whichtriggers the fraction collector based onthe presence of a desired molecular weight
Automated Microwave Peptide Synthesizer

The Liberty Blue System is an automated microwave peptide synthesizer designed for FmocSPPS. The standard synthesis scale is 0.005 : 0.5mmol. Microwave energy for both the coupling and deprotection stepsresulting in only 4-minute cycle times making peptide in ten times faster than traditional peptide synthesis methods. Instrumentation is useful for synthesis of long or difficult peptidesequences.

UPLC Acquity H-Class coupled with the QDa and TUV Detectors is suitable for analysis of small molecules. QDais a compact single quad mass detector equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) interface that provides quick identification and analysis of non-chromophoric compounds. Significant advances in instrumentation is better resolution, speed, and sensitivity compared with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).